Thursday, May 26, 2011


At this time, I am in the process of figuring out how to leave my job in order to work from home. I’ve had this idea for years, since my 11 ½ year old was a baby and I wanted to be able to spend more time with him. The problem is, I needed health insurance, plus, it’s been so hard to find legitimate work that actually pays decent. Now, in 2011, all of that has changed. I’ve been diligently researching and thanks to sites like Rat Race Rebellion and, I am confident that I will finally be able to lift off and soar towards my dreams! It is incredibly exciting to be on the brink of a life change. I’ve been praying a lot and I believe God has been giving me small signs everyday that show I am on the right path.

My ultimate goal is to be a blessing to the world – mostly through my writing, but also in whatever way God chooses to use me. I believe once I am in more control of my time & able to spend more of it with my family, I will be more able to truly start reaching people. Part of my income will be from writing which will help me as well as my audience. I’m so excited!

The job I’m at right now has been a blessing in that it has enabled me to pay my bills and I was able to obtain health insurance so that my children could get their vaccinations up to date. I suppose there have been some other benefits, but I am hard pressed to come up with them now. :-/ That’s odd. I really thought there were more good reasons that I was keeping this job, but other than the health insurance, I am no – oops I take that back, I have been able to save some money in a 401(k) and learn a little bit more about investing. So, other than those things, I am no better off than when I was receiving unemployment checks.

Now, I am not saying that I want to go back to receiving unemployment. I definitely do NOT want to take advantage of that system because I know there are millions of people out there who need those checks and I would hate for my abuse of the system to cause someone else to not get what they need. Needless to say, I will not take government assistance unless I truly need it.

Back to the excitement! I believe God has been giving me signs everywhere I look showing me that I will be fine if I just take a leap of faith, and work hard, and do this for my family and for me! Hallelujah! I can’t wait to get started!

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