Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I really wish I could escape this world for a few hours right about now. I am extremely stressed. My husband is changing jobs and things are not going exactly the way I thought they would be. I don't know what I'm going to do about my job. I will soon start working from home, but I am still trying to get the money for the initial investment of the phone equipment, etc. I had to change my work schedule this week so I will work a couple of day shifts instead of nights, but when my supervisor emailed me my new schedule, she has me down to work 6.5 hours which 1) will overlap with DH's time to pick up his client and, 2) I usually only work 4 hour shifts and I'm breastfeeding DS2 so that will make things a little more difficult b/c I will have to make sure he has enough milk for all that time.
Speaking of breastfeeding, DS2 normally only takes a total of 4 oz. when I am at work so I usually just pump when I get off and leave that for him for the next day. I used to have a backup bottle, but we used it and I keep forgetting to replenish it. Today, rushing around, I go to get his bottle ready since DH is taking him to MIL's house while he works. When DH pulls the bottle (which is still connected to the pump and had almost 5 ounces in it) out of the fridge, there is only about 2 ounces in there! Thank God, we still have some of the sample formula they give you in the hospital so I pulled that can out of the cupboard. Now I'm at work and I'm worrying about whether or not I put the formula in the diaper bag! I want to call DH, but I'm afraid he'll be mad at me if I did forget it. I am just going to keep praying and hope that no news is good news.
I really have to get rid of this anxiety. I am working on it.
*Update* I did not forget the formula, Thank God! However, the baby doesn't want to drink it. :-/ Oh well. I'll be home soon so he'll be fine. I also ate so I feel a lot better. I need to stop stressing over everything! Geesh!

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